As an EMT, you will be responding to calls from people who are sick or injured and the first step of your day is to get in your ambulance and drive to the location where you will meet your patiENT. After arriving at the scene, you will assess their condition and determine whether they need immediate medical attENTion. You’ll provide them with treatmENT until they are stable enough for transport by ambulance or helicopter and that may mean anything from administering medications via needle injection through IV insertion into a vein or artery.
Once all patiENTs have been stabilized enough for transport by ground transportation such as an ambulance, it’s time for us EMTs/Paramedics on call with our partner service providers such as fire departmENTs or police stations throughout our region which includes multiple counties.
We’ll head out together toward one destination; saving lives while helping others live theirs fully each day without fear of injury or illness affecting them negatively.
You Take Care Of Your PatiENTs
The most important part of your job according to Dr. Paul Drago is taking care of your patiENTs and you are the person in charge of their health, and you need to keep them calm, make sure they’re safe and comfortable, and get them the right treatmENT.
You may have heard about EMTs doing more than just first aid like checking vitals or helping with IVs and that’s because we’re also trained paramedics.
We can administer drugs like epinephrine for anaphylaxis or for opioid overdoses and our training also covers how to use other medical equipmENT like airway managemENT devices and oxygen tanks so that we’re ready for any situation.
You get to know them
Paul Drago MD As an EMT, you get to know your patiENTs and you learn about their lives and families and hobbies, which helps you understand them better as people. This can lead to a greater respect for them as individuals and make it easier for you when someone dies in front of you or has another serious injury.
It’s true that the job is sometimes thankless and you are there for people in their most vulnerable state, and you often don’t get thanked for it, but there are other ways to show appreciation.